Kawasaki Disease: Does It Affect Children in Lagos, Nigeria?-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy-Juniper Publishers

Kawasaki disease is a rare vasculitis of unknown aetiology that occurs in childhood. It can have a fatal outcome when there is involvement of the heart. Only few cases have been reported in Nigeria with none reported from Lagos despite the high turnout of children presenting in the various private, general and teaching hospitals in Lagos. We therefore report the current case in a 23 month old boy who presented with persistent fever, non exudative bilateral conjunctivitis, erythema and fissuring of the lips, perinanal excoriation and swelling of the hands and feet. At the referral hospital, he was being managed as a case of sepsis. Echocardiography done in LASUTH was essentially normal and he had IVIG and oral aspirin. A remarkable recovery was made and he is currently stable.

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