
Showing posts from January, 2021

Evaluation of Diabetic Patients with Subclinical Coronary Arteries Disease by the Use of Coronary Calcium Score. Two-Year Study-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY   Abstract Introduction and objective: Coronary calcium score (CCS) determined through multiple detector computed tomography is an excellent non-invasive method for detecting coronary atherosclerosis in subclinical stages. In this study we evaluated the presence of coronary artery disease in the subclinical stage by means of the coronary calcium score in diabetic patients. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study in diabetic patients with 10 years or more from it evolution and without coronary disease symptoms. We included different variables such as: demography (age, sex), clinics (smoking habit, alcoholism, and history of hypertension, type of diabetes and evolution's time), and anthropometrics (body mass index), hemoquimics (glycemia, total cholesterol and triglycerides) and imagenologhycs (total coronary calcium score and by artery). Results: The extensive coronary artery calci...

Thrombosis of the Left Main Stem following Steroid Abuse in a 21 Year Old Male Mimicking Spontaneous Dissection-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY   Abstract A 23 year old man presented with anterior ST elevation myocardial infarction while playing football and gave a 3 week history of recreational intravenous steroid abuse. Coronary angiogram showed a large persistent filling defect in left main stem extending into LAD and intermediate arteries. This was felt to be either spontaneous left main dissection precipitated by heavy exertion or left main stem thrombosis facilitated by intravenous steroid abuse over the previous 3 weeks. He was offered immediate surgical revascularisation but elected instead to have delayed surgery after 2 weeks unless symptoms worsened. Repeat coronary angiogram, two weeks later, however, showed considerable improvement with only a small amount of residual thrombus in left anterior descending artery and hence it was elected to continue with medical treatment. Following further 6 weeks, repeat coronary a...

Massive Pulmonary Embolism Secondary to Late Pacemaker Lead Thrombosis-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY   Introduction Pacemaker lead induced Venous thrombosis occurs in 30% to 50% of permanent trans-venous pacemaker implantation [ 1 ]. Out of these only 0.6-3.5% cases have serious thromboembolic complications [ 2 ]. In an autopsy series, almost half of the patients were found to have thrombi in pacemaker leads [ 3 ], however, intracardiac thrombosis due to pacemaker lead causing serious embolic complication is a rare entity. We report a case of a large pacemaker lead thrombus leads to massive pulmonary embolism after 10 years of implantation. Case Report A 77 year old man who had a dual chamber pacemaker implanted 10 years back for sick sinus syndrome. He had regular follow up visits including device check and all were found to be in order. He presented to our institution with 2 weeks history of shortness of breath and sudden onset of right sided pleuri...

Pericarditis with Atrial Septal Defect with Bilateral Haemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY   Abstract We are reporting a case of bilateral haemorrhagic ovarian cyst with pericarditis with atrial septal defect (ASD) in a 32 years female. Diagnosis of ASD was incidental when she was under evaluation for bilateral haemorrhagic ovarian cyst. Diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiography. During closure of ASD, pericardium was not used for patch closure because pericardium was full of multiple small nodules which was a suspected case of tubercular pericarditis, patient had also bilateral ovarian cyst which was suspected due to TB. ASD was closed by using Polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) patch. Pericardium was sent for histopathology and report was chronic pericarditis. Postoperative course was uneventful with marked improvement of symptoms Introduction ASD is a common congenital heart disease. Secondum type of ASD occurs in 1 in 1500 live birth, ac...

Cardiac Arrest as a First Presentation of Chronic Total Occlusion of Left Main Coronary Artery- Case Report and Literature Review-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY   Abstract Complete occlusion of left main coronary artery (LMCA) is an unusual manifestation of coronary atheromatous disease. Most patients with chronic total occlusion of the LMCA presents with angina, some presents with myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure, but they rarely present with cardiac arrest and survive. Here, we report a rare case of chronic total occlusion of the LMCA who presented with cardiac arrest as a first manifestation of coronary artery disease. Our case is interesting as this patient didn't have any risk factors for coronary artery disease, had no angina symptoms before presentation, and had normal left ventricular systolic function. Keywords: Chronic total occlusion; Left main coronary artery; Cardiac arrest Introduction Complete occlusion of left main coronary artery (LMCA) is an unusual manifestation of coron...