
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: Performance of Santa Inês/Dorper Lambs Fed with Li...

Juniper Publishers: Performance of Santa Inês/Dorper Lambs Fed with Li... : Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers Abstract Due to the development of the Brazilian sheep breeding, ne...

Survival Three Decades after Cabrol-Operation for Aortic Aneurysm in Marfan-Syndrome-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Case Report A 68-year-old woman with Marfan syndrome presented to our outpatient clinic. In 1984 a huge aortic root aneurysm and severe aortic valve regurgitation were diagnosed. She underwent Cabrol-type aortic root and aortic valve replacement with 31mm Björk-Shiley prosthesis. Only paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was reported since surgery. She was under therapy with beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor, diuretic and oral anticoagulation. The echocardiography revealed normal aortic valve function and flow through the aortic root and arch. There was only a mild mitral regurgitation. In order to safely exclude relevant changes in the area of previous surgery in the ascending aorta, at the bypass and in the coronary arteries, Multislice Computer Tomography imaging (MS-CT) was performed. MS-CT depicted non-significant atheromatous plaques in the coronary interposing tube graft and an ectasiaof...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J... : Journal of Surgery - Juniper Publishers Abstract Taenia saginata  is a zoonotic cestode causing  taeniasis. Taeniasis  refers to th...

“The Esophageal Cooling Device”: A New Way to Achieve Targeted Temperature Management-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Abstract Targeted temperature management (TTM) is a standard of care following cardiac arrest, but the therapy is often underutilized. Workflow interruptions and adverse events associated with existing TTM devices contribute to under utilization, which has prompted the development of new technologies. The purpose of this article is to summarize the rationale behind evaluating a new TTM device, the Esophageal Cooling Device (ECD). Keywords: Targeted temperature management; Therapeutic hypothermia; Post cardiac arrest; Emergency room; Innovation adoption; Resuscitation protocols Introduction Targeted temperature management (TTM) has become a standard of care following cardiac arrest [1,2] and the benefits of this therapy are well established [3,4]. However, not all patients who should receive this therapy do. Studies have documented TTM under utilization at the hospital level [5,...

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ...

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ... : Journal of Case Studies - Juniper Publishers Mini Review The Improvement of spatial resolution of new ultrasound machines were ena...

Arterial Duct Stenting in Duct-Dependent Pulmonary Circulation: is Surgical Shunt Still Worthwhile?-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Introduction It has long been realized that patients with congenital heart malformations resulting in duct-dependent pulmonary circulation would greatly benefit from stabilized pulmonary blood flow in view of spontaneous improvement or later lower-risk surgical repair. Although this aim may be achieved for a short period by continuous intravenous prostaglandin E infusion, a longer time stable pulmonary blood flow source must be provided in the vast majority of cases. Over time, different surgical systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt techniques were proposed [1-4], with the main advantage of providing significant pulmonary blood flow increase for long time. However, size and angulations of the prosthetic conduit used to make either Blalock-Taussig or “central” shunts often resulted in pulmonary artery distortion and hypertension [5,6]. Maintaining arterial duct patency has long been p...

Juniper Publishers: Hematological Manifestations of Infectious Disease...

Juniper Publishers: Hematological Manifestations of Infectious Disease... : Journal of Nursing & Health Care - Juniper Publishers Abstract Infectious processes have a potential to complicate the clinical...

Pro-Atherogenic Oxidized Ldl/β2-Glycoprotein I Complexes in Diabetes Mellitus: Antioxidant Effect of Statins-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Abstract Premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a well known complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The development of atherosclerosis is largely promoted by oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a known atherosclerotic risk factor but LDL must be modified to become atherogenic. Inflammatory-derived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species oxidize LDL (oxLDL) giving rise to lipid peroxides and aldehydes that favor the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic lesions. Beta-2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is a lipid binding plasma protein with pleiotropic functions that binds oxLDL via specific oxidative-derived ligands to form pro-atherogenic oxLDL/β2GPI complexes and in this guise exerts a buffering effect upon LDL oxidation. Statin (Rosuvastatin) treatment lowered serum le...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N... : Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objectives:  Are to compare the soft palate length (SPL), widt...

Synthetic Antioxidants and Its Effects in Ultra Low Concentrations, Probability of Cardio Protection by Membrane Stabilization-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Oxygen-Sensing Mechanism Oxygen-sensing mechanisms are one of the most important for cell and tissue homeostasis, as well as to adapt to the chronic low-oxygen condition, but intensive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause cell destruction. Endogenous antioxidant system protects from ROS overproduction, exogenous antioxidants in ultra low concentrations have protective effects too [1]. Detection of ability of biologically active substances (BAS) to modify live systems in ultra low concentration (10-22-10-14М), is one of the most impressing investments of last decades [2,3]. The specificities of influence of ultra low doses (ULD) of biologically active substances is complex and polymodal dependence of effect on dose; kinetic paradoxes; dependence of reaction on initial characteristics of biological object; «stratification» of effect (there are no effect in average doses,...

Juniper Publishers: A Correlative Study of Individualization from Hier...

Juniper Publishers: A Correlative Study of Individualization from Hier... : Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation - Juniper Publishers Abstract Questioned documents which consists handwri...

ECMO Support Complicated with Early Multiple Stents Thrombosis Post Primary PCI- Case Report-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Abstract Introduction: 1yr PCI+ECMO in the setting of cardiac-arrest and cardiogenic shock is challenging. Data has shown promising results in mortality reduction. Case presentation: 57y man admitted with NSTEMI. LVEF-35%. 6-hours later he developed LBBB and taken for primary PCI. CAG: proximal occlusion-LAD, Tight lesion-Big ramus, normal-LCX and CTO-RCA. PCI to LAD and ramus were done. After stent-deployment, he developed cardiac-arrest. CPR initiated, IABP inserted and TPM was placed, he revived after 1.5hours of CPR. LVEF 10%. So peripheral VA-ECMO was inserted for cardio respiratory support and we could be able to wean it off successfully after 5 days from deployment. He developed severe thrombocytopenia so, clopidogrel stopped & aspirin continued. After 36hours of ECMO removal, sudden clinicaldeterioration was observed with severe shock again. EF 15%. Re look Angio revealed:...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto... : Journal of Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract The CellROX® Deep Red flow cytometry kit (Life technologi...

ECMO for a Cardiac Arrest and Prolonged CPR in the Cath-Lab: Dose it worth? Case Report and Review of Literature-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Abstract Introduction: Nowadays the vast expansion to ECMO indications raises ethical questions such as whose patient should be treated with ECMO and when the ECMO support should be discontinued? Case presentation: 57yr old gentleman presented as ACS and 1yr PCI was planned. CAG revealed total occlusion of LAD; LCX: mild lesions, RCA: totally occluded. Attempt to open the RCA was failed, LAD was stented but after that he got CP arrest. CPR was initiated and continued for 1.5h, then he revived, but echocardiography showed EF 10%. VA-ECMO was inserted then shifted to CCU and started to be awake. CXR showed massive left pleural effusion so exploratory thoracotomy was done which revealed big blood collection from intercostal artery and fracture multiple ribs. In 3rd day he was taken to the CathLab electively for another trial to open the RCA which was successfully done. ECMO was wea...

Juniper Publishers: Hemodynamics: Could it be Sometimes the Dark Side ...

Juniper Publishers: Hemodynamics: Could it be Sometimes the Dark Side ... : Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology - Juniper Publishers Abstract Hemodynamic monitoring has built its developement on the...

Sepsis and Myocardial Dysfunction: A Mini Review-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Abstract Sepsis is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity around the world. Myocardial dysfunction is one of the important factors in the hemodynamic compromise seen in sepsis. Numerous mechanisms have been studied in identifying the pathophysiology, however, no definitive hypothesis has been proven. This review attempts to evaluate, and understand some of the known biochemical and pathophysiological mechanisms leading to cardiac dysfunction and sepsis. Introduction Sepsis is the leading cause of mortality and a major healthcare concern worldwide [1]. It is characterized as a life-threatening disease, enhanced by a dysregulated immune host response to a precipitating infection. It’s a multifaceted disease, encompassing various organs and may lead to end-organ failure, shock and death. In a healthy human being the pro-inflammatory response triggered by microbes is cou...