Heart Failure-Juniper Publishers
Heart Failure by Mahmoud Abdelsabour Abdallah in Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy in Juniper Publishers Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome that can result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to fill with or eject blood. The cardinal manifestations of HF are dyspnea and fatigue, which may limit exercise tolerance, and fluid retention, which may lead to pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema [1]. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice, accounting for approximately one third of admissions resulting from cardiac rhythm disturbances. https://juniperpublishers.com/jocct/JOCCT.MS.ID.555558.php For more articles in Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy please click on https://juniperpublishers.com/jocct/index.php For more journals in Juniper Publishers Please click on https://juniperpublishers.com/index.php